Has Cosmetics Gone Too Far?
Butchery. An activity which involves the carving of a dead animal into the leanest sections of meat. It then goes on to pursue its destiny on the plates of many human beings. Plastic and Cosmetic surgery. An activity which involves the carving if a living human being so that it is a particular shape and size in the appointed extremities. If such a description was to be explained to a person unfamiliar with the term of plastic surgery, it would be possible for them to think of as a method of madness, punishment or possibly torture. So why does the human race insist on cutting here, there and everywhere just to match the set standards of beauty? And more importantly, what good and bad aspects follow the topic of beauty surgery?
In the modern word a vast majority of the population believe that surgery is a completely safe and splendid idea with few faults and few records of complications. In fact, in 2010 the majority of people undergoing cosmetic surgery was standing at a staggering 76.2% and 66% for plastic surgery world-wide. The results proving to have a definite effect on confidence and providing the ability to “flaunt what your surgeon have ya!”. After one successful procedure, it is said the results can leave some clients absorbed and intrigued at the idea of the surgical world having its very own A-Z directory of procedures to match every blunder. Their aim is to progress their image. Some try to defy nature by keeping their youthful appearance with Botox and fat fillers which are now available in local chemists without prescription.
For many people, it is important to look past the surface appearance of any procedures and consider the effect it will have internally. This usually meanings a one-on-one appointment with the surgeon who will be performing the procedure. Or at least a brief overlook at the risks that are involved in that particular operation. In some people’s case, neither option comes to mind. To have a procedure within s tight budget, it is becoming more common to hear about people travelling outside the country into places such as Mexico, China, Brazil to have cosmetics and plastic surgery done. In all of these countries the consent forms and other legal documents are printed in foreign languages without English translation, pushing the trap doors open to people who fall aimlessly into a sugar-coated disaster. Despite this, most procedures are a great deal cheaper than in Britain and the United States, making it tempting for surgery seekers to look past the possible dangers of fraud. This normally results in being tricked into getting procedures that the surgeon is not qualified to do, leading to unsatisfied clients with improper and horrifying results. Some may go on to live a life of corrective surgery in order to return to the image they had once had. The introduction of the surgeon to the patient is another issue that is mentioned in foreign procedures. The belated pros and cons are explained only after the surgery is performed and in other places, patients are kept in the dark about who will be piercing and pinching their vulnerable unconscious bodies for a fair three-quarters of an hour. However, to a preoccupied mind, all seems perfectly normal as the only thing that is of importance, is the visual outcome.
For many who will frown upon plastic surgery and cosmetics as a method of maintaining beauty, it is very important for them to consider the who have gone through their entire life with disfigurement that prevented them from living a normal life. Perhaps bullying was the picture of their childhood: feeling as though they were weird, disapproved of, or perhaps damaged. The use of surgery could appear to be a saviour sent from God to this category. Marriages can come to an end due to the stress on partners and the pressure to overcome complicated obstacles. This was the story for US war hero, Tyler Ziegal, who was a victim of a suicide bombing incident. His left hand, three fingers from his right hand and a part of his skull was lost in the explosion, leaving his entire face disfigured. Unfortunately, the fifty operation he had went under did not take him back in time, but it was however an improvement. In fact the use of plastic surgery in incidents like this is more common that you would think. For people working within the Military, discounts are offered on plastic surgery. Whether it is necessary for their well-being or just to carry out a personal desire, they are all entitled to trimming some digits off the bill. Some go through surgery to keep in check with the tape tests that are regularly performed on Military staff. These are used to analyze and measure the size each person to determined whether or not they are fit to do their job. This again, conveys the idea of acquiring a particular body standard in order to be happy and successful. With that said, does this mean people who have not been surgically modified are unhappy and depressed?
The purpose if any kind of surgery is to aim to make things better. Whether it is fixing a simple case of Hernia, or altering a crooked nose, it all links back to surgeons having consideration of what their patients want, which in some situations, involves fixing physical appearances. The way many people see it, is that if does not need fixed, do not fix it. The people who have the opposing view of this statement are usually the ones that try to perfect perfection and put themselves at risk. As the younger generation becomes more acute, the ways of surgery get more advanced. This within itself is both a good thing and a bad thing. Positively it will give the public that confidence they feel they need, but it can also make the surrounding population feel as though they need to be equally as attractive. This could demonstrate compulsive behaviour to children when perhaps their mum or dad complains of being too big or small in areas. The child could then look in the mirror and decide that they too, have a body like one of their parents that needs to be shaped. This is a serious problem for civilized society and could possibly draw attention away from serious matters such as starvation and poverty. We are in danger of becoming a society on a quest to look good but yet doing no good.
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