Getting Rid of A Cold Sore – Natural Remedies and Medication

Cold sores are frequently called fever blisters. The majority of cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus or HSV-1.

The WHO reports that approximately 65% of adults aged over 50 are inflicted with HSV-1, and around 50% of American children already have the virus. The virus doesn’t constantly show symptoms, and only around 30% of individuals with HSV-1 will show infection signs namely cold sores.

Cold sores often appear on the mouth and lips, but they can show anywhere on the skin, even the tongue.

Home Remedies

Immune-boosting, antiviral, and antimicrobial compounds are usually excellent for treating cold sores. Some remedies help reduce the transmission of the virus while others cut the possibility of more infections or ease discomfort and pain. Not all treatment works for each person, but various natural products could help lessen symptoms and inhibit future recurrences.

Natural remedies include:

• lemon tea and its compresses

• lip balms with no less than 1% lemon

• witch hazel oil, mint, and peppermint

• Aloe vera gel to soothe inflamed lesions while giving moisture.

• licorice powder, combined with petroleum jelly or water and applied to sores

• licorice root, with glycyrrhizic acid

• l-lysine supplements or lysine cream used as an immune booster and help in cell repair

• Echinacea to boost immunity, best consumed in supplement form or tea. Echinacea is available online.

• sage and rhubarb mixtures

• cornstarch paste, made with starch and water, 1:1

• milk, with l-lysine and antibodies

Vitamin E aids the body to repair damaged dermal cells as well as grow them. Food rich in Vitamin E include nuts, leafy greens, and whole wheat. Moreover, oils with Vitamin E are available. Furthermore, Vitamin C can increase white blood cells, which are mainly the infection-fighting cells of the body. Food rich in Vitamin C is frequently deep green, orange, or red in color. And these include tomatoes, peppers, berries, kiwis, spinach, and broccoli.

There are OTC medications available as well to treat symptoms of cold sores. Lots of them provide child-friendly dosages. These include:

• Orajel and Anbesol numb sores, reducing pain

• Zilactin and Abreva, both available online, may aid to cut recovery time

• Inflammation- and pain-reducing medications such as ibuprofen can help as well

• Rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide keep the lesions clean

• Applying zinc oxide creams to scabs could kill viral cells that the sores release


Individuals with cold sores ought to seek medical attention if the infection does not improve in several weeks. HSV-1 complications are uncommon but highly possible. Individuals with weak immune systems ought to seek expert medical advice whenever recurrences are becoming frequent. Several complications can result when the virus starts to spread to other body parts. For instance, the virus could infect the fingertips (herpes whitlow) or the eyes (herpes keratitis).

Commonly prescribed treatments for cold sores include anti-viral tablets and creams. According to the British National Health Service (NHS), creams are usually only effective if applied when the sores first appear.

For treating cold core symptom, the doctor usually prescribes anti-viral creams and tablets. The British National Health Service states that creams are often only effective if applied as soon as the initial sores appear – which is the first outbreak.

Prescribed medications for cold sores include:

• Valacyclovir (Valtrex)

• Acyclovir (Zovirax, Xerese)

• Penciclovir (Denavir)

• Famciclovir (Famvir)

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