If you need to get out of the friend zone, ignore her or not? You may have heard some people say that you should start ignoring them but most people do not know why this works or if it really does help at all! This article will explain why this piece of information gets circulated and makes sense of it.

When you are head over heels in love with a girl who just thinks of you as her friend it can be depressing and frustrating when you want to be more than friends. One of the big mistakes guys make when in this situation is to try to get as close to this girl as possible because 1) They enjoy being near this girl and 2) they believe that if this girl knows them well enough and likes them more they will fall in love with them.

Of course, this tactic does not work and so the idea of a friend zone is created. A place that you cannot escape being their friend to becoming their boyfriend.

This is where some people tell you to ignore this girl. The theory for most guys is that if you suddenly stop being their friend like you were before they will crave your attention and start coming after you. Sounds good right, they want your attention, you stop giving it, they come running after you realising how silly they have been and suddenly you are a potential boyfriend.

Let look at what really happens. You start ignoring her, she has plenty of other friends to spend time with and talk to, she sees you less of as a friend and you drift apart. You don’t want this do you?

So… should you ignore her? The answer is yes and no, you need to tactically give her attention you see so that you can blur the line between friend and potential lover to the point where she is not seeing you as “just a friend” anymore. Let me explain… Showing her less attention does achieve a few things.

  • Makes you seem a little more mysterious; suddenly she does not know everything about you.
  • Shows you have other things on in your life which they respect. If you always are at her beck and call you look WEAK and like a follower, not like a man.
  • You can start to control how you interact with this girl. Instead of spending time just hanging out you can say you are busy but make time to be with her for occasions that are more memorable. You see when they are thinking of potential lovers it is not how much time you have spent with them or how much they know you… it is about who gave her the most exciting memories… this needs to be YOU.
  • You now have more time to work on what image you portray to her so you can show the qualities that get ALL women interested.

Get out of the friend zone? Ignore her? Yes but in moderation and only if you have a plan to re-brand yourself as something other than a friend.

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Get Out of the Friend Zone – Ignore Her?

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