Fashion Tips For Curvy Women: How Curve-Tastic Women Can Embrace Their Style
Women’s shapes are changing. There is no denying that in the Western World, the average sizes of women are bigger now then they were 40 years ago. But being a bigger size does not mean that you have to dress down or look frumpy. There are celebrity plus size models and rock stars that ooze glamour and sex apeal. Here are a few tips that can help you dress just right too
When we have curves or are self-conscious about a specific area, we usually tend to cover it up by wearing something quite loose. So we couple a loose top with a loose skirt. But rather than hiding the turkey rolls, we actually end up looking quite like a ham instead!
Combining Outfits To Flatter Your Curves
So the secret is this: wear a fitted item at the top OR bottom to flatter your curves and create some shape. In essence: if an item is fitted at the top then keep it looser at the bottom, and vice versa.
You might have a top and skirt that are both individually terrific, but worn together they just don’t work. If you wear a loose blouse with a loose skirt, you will lack shape.
Instead you need to choose a more fitted but not overly tight top with a looser skirt. Now you can instantly see your great curves, and yet nothing you wouldn’t want to show is visible. On the other hand, if you chose a loose blouse or top, you would want to make sure you had a more fitted skirt at the bottom or perhaps a pair of straight legged jeans.
Choosing Flattering Skirts
Another hurdle for many curvy women is to choose the right type of skirt that camouflages the main problem spots. These are usually hips, bum and thighs.
One of the most common mistakes is the notion that an A-line style skirt will help to cover hips and thighs. But be craeful, this is only true to a degree. Not all skirts are the same!
For example a bad skirt would be stiff and pouff out in to a wide, distinct A-line. It gets worse if the fabric doesn’t drop from the hips, or it has pleats that don’t sit well on your shape.
In contrast, a good A-line skirt would be made of a soft, floaty fabric that feels “weighty” but is not stiff. It would not be very wide and would not have gathers or any excess fabric. It should drop flatteringly from the hip
So whether you dress up for a special occasion like a date or a night out, or if you simply dress for the office or a casual day with the family, consider the these tips and stay looking curve-tastic!
fashion women