Do’s and Don’ts of Using Online Dating Sites
The internet makes it possible for people to connect with other like-minded individuals who have similar needs and interests. But it can be quite daunting when first starting out. Here are several important dos and don’ts that should be followed when looking to join one of the online dating sites:
Try to get to know the potential date as much as possible via email communication before any in person meeting takes place. A well written profile should include enough information to get started with a conversation, even for the more introvert or shy type.
If a profile picture isn’t clear or appears out of date it might be because the person has something to hide. Make sure to ask for an up-to-date photo before getting too involved or moving on to a face-to-face meeting.
Be honest when writing up the profile or answering questions in a dating questionnaire. Try to think of things that make you unique or stand out, while also including your likes and dislikes. But, don’t be too honest and avoid giving out too much personal information such as your home address or phone number.
Make sure to proofread the profile or other written communication to make sure it is free of punctuation, spelling, or grammar mistakes. It tends to be more difficult to notice your own mistakes so ask a discreet friend to double-check your information.
Do use a dating site that has been able to build up a solid reputation. It helps to join one of the paid services to make it possible to interact and meet others in a safe environment, while also gaining access to more communication and search features.
Only give out the cell phone to strangers met on the dating sites. Avoid giving out the home phone number because it is quite easy to trace by those with the knowhow.
Avoid giving out a regular email address. Sign up to Gmail, Yahoo, or other service for a free dummy account. This account can be used for all online dating activities and can easily be deleted in the future when it is no longer needed.
Don’t simply assure that everything written in a potential dates profile is 100% true. If a profile sounds too good to be true, it might be because the person has stretched the truth or is trying to hide something.
Don’t expect every face-to-face meeting to go perfectly. Not every match will result in an instant spark or a ready-made relationship.
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