Online dating and chatting is now not only a method of meeting new people but also a special way of communication. Believe it or not but there is even a giant industry of PPL, if you know what this acronym means. No, it’s not short for “people” as you might be thinking. PPL means “pay per letter”, which is a billion-dollar setup where men from western countries such as the USA, UK, Australia, or European Union pay for exchanging messages with Russian women or other females living on a distant continent.

How PPL sites with Russian girls work?

The distance prevents users from getting together for dates in real life, so they can only talk online via mails, instant messaging, or video. For many lonely guys this type of connection becomes a relationship substitute. Disappointed in their real-life results with local ladies, they believe that maybe a Russian girl will be more accepting of their personal virtues and quirks. Or they may find some links offering chat to hot Russian brides seeking fun tonight. Lots of such links with charming pictures are placed in various locations online through paid advertising or affiliate programs.

In any case, attention-hungry western bachelors arrive to sites offering dating with Russian women. As soon as they land, they are inundated with pop-up requests featuring sexy ladies in lingerie or seductive poses. All of these hotties want to chat! The first message is displayed immediately and the man can answer. He sends the response, and gets a message back but… To read it he now needs to enter his credit card number or connect to PayPal to be able to continue the promising conversation. What would you do? If you decide to proceed and buy some “credits” that allow you to continue messaging this sweet cutie (as per picture), you are now a part of the “pay-per-letter” realm, where you are charged a fee for each message back and forth.

Dating chat workers

In my estimations, there are about 30,000 people in Ukraine who work in dating chats with foreigners getting paid about $0.50 per minute. Some of such workers use bots to send messages to every male who logs in, others do it by hand. The more customers a worker manages to attract and keep, the more money he or she earns. Yes, both males and females work in dating chats pretending to be cute girls from the photos. The young Russian women in pictures have no desire to type their nights through entertaining foreign bachelors online. They are out dancing and handing out with local boys, of course. It is mostly pensioners, mothers staying with babies at home, and poor students trying to make ends meet that work night shifts in online chats with foreigners. Due to the time difference between the USA and Ukraine, writers need to be up at nights to interact with love-hungry bachelors.

The setup is quite profitable for paid communication sites. Some users spend up to $1,000 a week on conversations with exotic beauties.

Dating Russian women without PPL

The paid correspondence websites grew like mushrooms after a rain in the dominion of the international dating industry. Nearly all Russian personals switched to this mode. Because of high conversion and profitability, it’s hard to find a company where you are not required to pay for every letter, photo share, or minute of instant messaging.

But there are a few companies that still offer unlimited communication with no pay per letter (NPPL). Such websites simply charge a regular membership fee, just like, for example. In this case you will be actually communicating with the woman in the picture-if she finds you interesting of course. Such websites even list Russian women living in the USA and other western countries. Since ladies are not paid for talking to foreigners, they only answer to men they like. This means you may not be getting 100% positive response to your EOI’s.

What is EOI? It’s short for an “expression of interest”, a virtual icebreaker you send free of charge and get an answer back.

Popular acronyms in dating Russian women

In general, men trying to connect with singles from the Former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, etc.) rarely use acronyms and neither do women. However, there are a few regular abbreviations you might come across.

EEW Eastern European women

EOI Expression of interest

FSU Former Soviet Union

FSUW Former Soviet Union women

ID Site’s unique identifying combination of numbers and letters, profile #

IMBRA International marriage broker regulation act

IMHO “In my humble opinion”, one of few regular acronyms FSU ladies use

LOL “Laughing out loud”, another well known acronym that is in use

NPPLNo pay per letter

MOB Mail order bride

PPC Pay per communication

PPL Pay per letter

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Do You Know These Online Dating Acronyms?

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