Clarisonic Opal Infusion – An Effective and Quicker Alternative for Eye Wrinkles and Puffiness
Would you like a more effective and quicker alternative for improving wrinkles, puffiness and fine lines, particularly around the eye area? Traditional application methods when using anti-wrinkle creams and lotions offer results that take longer than you may want. The Opal infusion process quickly hydrates so you will experience benefits following the very first application.
The Clarisonic Opal skin care system uses the revolutionary infusion sonic technology. Developed by Dr. Robb Akridge, Ph.D., the sonic micro-massage infuses the specially formulated sea serum into the outermost layers of the epidermis. This is where it works immediately to hydrate and target fine lines near the surface.
Sonic Infusion Features:
• Uniquely developed for the delicate eye area
• Proven sonic technology applies sea serum more effectively than manual application
• 125 sonic micro-massages per second
• Enhanced absorption
The sonic infusion instantly hydrates, and over time your skin’s resilience increases. The benefits below are reports from proven clinical tests.
• Immediately hydrates, leaving skin feeling refreshed
• After 4 weeks you will notice your skin feeling firmer
• Reduces appearance of fine lines and puffiness in as little as 8 weeks
• Gentle for daily use
• Absorption of your favorite eye-cream or lotion penetrates deeper into the skin
• Improves skin texture
• Effective also on the lip, brow, and forehead areas.
Results were obtained from women using the Opal system for approximately three months. Each individuals result can vary depending on the present state of your skin and also the quality of lotions and creams that are being used. The most favorable benefit is instant hydration following just one single application, and noticeably softer and lighter lines under and around the eye area.
12 week results from actual users:
• 94% reported skin feeling tighter and firmer
• 95% skin appeared refreshed and invigorated
• 90% noticeable improvement in skin hydration after first use hydration after first use
How to use your Clarisonic Opal infusion system?
It is gentle for everyday use, once each morning and at bedtime. Developed specifically to treat troublesome areas like dark circles under the eye area, puffiness, and help reduce fine lines.
Step 1: Cleanse skin and remove all make-up
Step 2: Insert the specially formulated sea serum into the Opal device and turn on. Gently massage the serum into your skin.
Step 3: After completing the infusion process, apply your own personal eye-cream or lotion (optional)
Clarisonic offers a 100% guarantee for those wanting another alternative for reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. The Opal kit includes the following: sonic infuser, sea serum (1.7oz.), two applicator tips, and a charger.
makeup kit