I know several people who have dated and even married outside of their religion. I can’t say it’s been a disaster for the Christian singles, the Jewish singles or any group of singles as a whole. But overall, the couples whose relationships have failed all share a common trait – religion is important to them as individuals. More important than they realized.

None of them planned to fall in love with someone of another faith, but once they did, they felt pretty stuck. Because they didn’t know – until things started getting serious – how important their religion really was to them.

Christian Singles and Others – You May Be Surprised How Much Faith Matters

And suddenly they’re discussing and having arguments about such big things as what religion they will follow as a couple, how they’ll raise the kids, and what they’ll do on the holidays. There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle of whether or not two people are compatible. For people of faith, agreeing on religion can be extremely important to their long term happiness together.

If you’re religious but try to keep an open mind when you date and feel OK about your partner practicing a different faith – or no faith – you may be surprised to find one day that you’re not really happy with your situation. Things can start to feel awkward. There are many compromises to be made and you may not want to compromise at all.

When that happens the relationship can feel like shoes that rub – you can put up the discomfort for a while, but then you get blisters and it’s too painful to keep going.

Faith-Based Dating Sites

If you are religious and single, there are great faith-based dating sites for all faiths out there that will help you find potential dates and mates within your religion.

And the great thing about using them is that you don’t need to ask any of your potential dates if faith is important to them, or explain why yours is. If they’re on a faith-based dating site, you know from the start that they’re on the same page as you about the importance of religion.

Faith-based dating sites are all over the internet, the main ones serving Catholics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Mormons. Some are completely free, while others will charge a small fee in order to let you communicate with your matches. We should say too that many large general interest dating sites let you search by religion and ask how important religion is to you. These are useful too, but there’s a lot more sorting involved in finding good matches.

Faith-based sites let you quickly find your people – the ones that, however different they may be in other ways – have the same commitment to faith and and the same belief in its power to cement a relationship as you do.

singles muslim
Christian Singles – Can There Be Love Without Religion?



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