Sad but true, nearly 30% of married men are inside the category ‘cheating married man’. It does not matter where these men look for their prey, they exist. This means if you are currently a single woman chances are quite good that you will encounter one of them — whether or not he is a sheep in wolf’s clothing.

Another sad fact is that women are such emotional creatures, hence even if no woman has the initial intention of being the third party it happens a lot in society. This is because when a woman’s emotion is at play it is too hard for them to break off from an unhealthy relationship — with a cheating married man.

With this in mind, women should be armed with knowledge on how to avoid getting into an unhealthy relationship with the married man in the first place. I say this is a very crucial point to make as the further into a relationship a woman is, the less logic she has in her mind. It is true that emotion can surpass nearly all of a woman’s logic. So read on to find out how to spot a cheating married man from far away, even if he tries to hide his marital situation.

Following are few warning signs to tell you that you are involved — or about to be involved with a married man:

First of all, a cheating married man will hardly make plans in advance. His normal cover ups would be that he is a ‘spontaneous’ guy, a flexible guy who loves to take the spur of the moment. However, if you happen to be spontaneous he always seems to already have plans. This leads to the second sign which is:

He has no integrity as he always cancels plans in the last minute. It’s no surprise that you sometimes wonder whether or not he will show up for a date 5 minutes before the pre-arranged date time.

Dates are often on weekdays rather than the prime Friday or Saturday nights. He seems to be busy on the weekend as well as holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Easter etc. Yes he probably would make it up to you such as asking you out the day after the Valentine’s Day to celebrate it late — or early.

He loves texting. He returns calls but hardly answers calls. His phone often unexpectedly dies or runs out of signals when talking with you. His phone is often dead or off when he is with you.

On top of all that, it seems that none of his friends or family actually know that your relationship exists. You probably don’t even know his real address or work information — depending on how comfortable he is in you knowing this information about him.

Lastly a sign that you should be aware of as well as all the other signs above is that a cheating married man may seem more understanding. He can complain much less about you — or not at all. This is because he doesn’t see a big future with you and also, he wants to make sure he doesn’t miss a chance to get physical with you. This is why most extramarital affair relationship usually is all physical by nature.

One last note, dating is a fun and wonderful experience to have. The risk of broken heart is always there whether or not you are dating a cheating married man. However, be aware that you are emotional by nature and it is completely unnecessary to take on a very high risk of getting your heart broken by going out with one of them. Stick with the available men out there.

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Cheating Married Man – Spot One Early to Instantly Save a Heartbreak

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