Cellulite – Do You Have an Orange Peel Butt?
I only buy a swimsuit every two years. Do you know why? The horror of looking in the mirror with the glaring overheard lights, in a tiny bathing suit, and worrying about my thighs and butt. Cellulite is a figure problem of most women – whether they are larger or smaller. It can be attached to your thighs, hips, butt, and/or abdomen. There are ways to budge those bulges and make your body more streamlined, and I am here to help!
First, what exactly is cellulite? Fat trapped just below the skin, caught between the fibrous tissues that anchor your skin to deeper muscles. Fat cells expand and push around these fibrous cables and create that “orange-peel” effect. Women are much more susceptible than men to cellulite because of the higher fat percentage we have on our body and where we store it. Also, woman’s skin tends to be thinner than man’s; therefore the cellulite shows up more. So, what can be done?
One of the most effective ways, (and most expensive), is Vela. It is relatively new, and actually has scientific studies to back it up. It costs approximately $1,000 to $2,000 for four to six treatments, and follow up treatments are recommended for upkeep. The process uses heat, ultrasound, and massage all at the same time to work the cellulite into submission. I tried this (most places that offer it will let you sample what it is like) and it is uncomfortable. However, for serious cellulite, it truly is the best solution. But, since most of us don’t want to spend THAT kind of money, I will move on to cheaper, easier, and certainly, more comfortable solutions.
1. Dry brushing with a natural bristle brush helps with circulation and removes dead skin. This is good for lymphatic drainage, and skin texture.
2. Massage with oil also improves circulation and skin texture.
3. Exercise – aerobic exercise to decrease fat, and working with weights to help muscle tone.
4. Decreasing dietary fat – You should be consuming about 25% of your calories on fat (try to make sure it is things like olive oil and nuts).
5. Self-tanner – having some color will help disguise cellulite. It helps even out the skin tone and reduces the shadowing effect of cellulite.
6. Gotu Kola – A natural herb that is said to help reduce cellulite in 80% of women (reduce, not get rid of). You take 30mg three times daily per the cellulite instructions. However, I am not a doctor, please check with them first, especially if you have any medical problems.
7. Cellulite massaging stockings – I will be honest, I have not tried these. They are said to be super massaging, and that they “stimulate the skin’s micro circulation, ease water retention, and reduce cellulite.” It actually makes some sense to me, so I think it might be worth a try if you have serious cellulite or have the money.
8. Proper clothing – okay, this one is not exactly a cure, but please do NOT wear too tight clothing to accentuate your orange-butt! I guess from the medical/nurse side of me, it isn’t good for your circulation either. However, it just isn’t as attractive as finding clothes that fit properly.
9. Drink lots of water. A good healthy system needs to be flushed, circulated, and hydrated.
What does not work?
1. Most lotions and creams – they may help temporarily, but it will be just that – temporary. If it makes you feel good, or if it helps you to massage your thighs (for circulation), go for it! Just don’t spend a lot of money.
2. Wraps. They work great for a few hours, but as soon as the water gets circulated back in your body, the inches come back. Again, if you like the feeling of it, go for it. But it is pricey and temporary.
3. Liposuction for cellulite – generally, and I do say generally, this will not get rid of it. Some Surgeons are coming up with new ways of reducing cellulite with lipo. Again, this is an expensive fix, if it does work at all.
My last comment to all of you is this; 90% of women have some cellulite. Yes, we hate it, but do not feel alone or like you have a horrible body because of it. Spend a little extra time working on it, and your “orange-butt” will be smooth as a “baby’s butt”!
olive clothing