I’ve been thinking for the past week, what to write an article on. I was just thinking, well all of how to do it is clearly listed on the blog, what more can I tell people. But then I remembered an issue that I was having a few months back and how I overcame the issue.

A lot of guys getting into PUA have the experience, as a client I was with this week did, where they are progressing with a girl, and they either get last minute resistance when it comes to the bedroom, or that they have a good evening with a girl and get her phone number and the girl doesn’t reply to his texts, or that it was ‘just a one night thing’ or that ‘the moment has passed’

Why has the moment passed? The key to building a strong relationship takes three things I) Touching, ii) Sharing and iii) common pursuits. A lot of guy’s who are learning PUA become great at opening up conversations, or they are the most interesting person in the room because they are well dressed or that they smile at people and people come over and want to chat, the PUA then proceeds to deliver interesting stories about themselves gets the phone number or a kiss close, but then the connection seems to kill off.

What’s recommended is that you build the interaction from the start to include kino esculation, this means that your constantly increasing the level of touch without directly conveying you like the girl (as this will lower your attractiveness).

Women define the attractiveness of a potential mate on several things, but most of them come down to how the guy is socially perceived by other people in the wider tribe, if you lower your value by stating that you like her, then she will automatically be unattractive to you, the better thing is for you to come across ‘too good for her’ but yet share common interests at times, and after several minutes of her being interested in your interesting life to put the attention on the metaphorical information you both can share about your lives, i.e. silly secrets, silly games as they have a broader contextual meaning other than what is obvious on the surface.

After you get the number or the kiss maintain the touching and sharing and you’ll be sure to keep the girl keen. Remember, only ever display interest in a girl at the same time as doing something that indicates that you could be kidding’.

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