Balenciaga Sunday Patchwork Medium Bag

When talking about Balenciaga bags, most people are impressed deeply by its motorcycle bags that used to the icon of punk fashion trend in 1950s and 1960s. The bag pattern is still very popular. However, the bag won’t be all things for all people. If you do not like the stiff chic motorcycle bag, then this refined Balenciaga Sunday Patchwork Medium Bag offers you another option.

Just as its name suggests, this Balenciaga bag is supposed to be carried in leisure time. Its multicolor patchwork style will earn you lots of attention among crowds. The patchwork is hand-stitched with soft vintage lambskin and pigskin in blue, green, and red and purple. Just to name a few. Perhaps you would consider such a bag too catching. You do need to add some colors to the plain daily life.

Once again the bag is trimmed with aged brass studs allover for decoration and enhancement as well. The bag interior is made by fine textile lining and has a zip pocket with Balenciaga embossed leather tag inside. This medium Italy made bag is sized at 18.9” x 13” x 9.4”. There is a black leather framed hand mirror attached to one bag handle. The bag has a front zip pocket, and there are extremely long leather strings attached to the zip. That is interesting. This designer bag priced at $2,345.00 is available in two colors, one is black and dark green and the other is black and vermilion. You will like it.

1960s fashion

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