Are Skinny Jeans a Vanishing Trend?

As the name suggests, skinny jeans were designed for people who wanted to show off their slim figure. Although they were first very appealing to women, this style quickly gained popularity among men, providing a very hip vibe. But in the recent years, we have seen a decline of this style. So, the real question is: are skinny jeans a vanishing trend or we should expect a new style revival soon?

Not so long ago, these jeans were the epic fashion trendsetter, both controversial and inspiring. We all know that they can be quite uncomfortable to wear, unless you are really slim (and even so, putting them on could be nightmarish), but many chose to sacrifice comfort over fashion. But the recent years have seen the revival and reinvention of vintage denim and associated styles (like mom jeans). This eclipsed jeans that were too constrictive and soon, the style began to slowly disappear.

Social media platforms and picture sharing websites were invaded by more freeing bottoms, while the number of skinny jeans and posts has drastically reduced. This all happened at the end of 2016 and the start of 2017. Those made us ask questions: It this jeans style dead? Are they a dying trend?

There are some things to consider before making any quick assumption. The first thing you should know is that some fashion designers and fashion icons were still promoting skinny jeans during the first half of 2017. But the main problem is on the streets: there are very few appearances of this constructive cut in public. So, the style may still have a kick or two as long as fashion and TV stars still rock in skinny jeans.

Many celeb fashion stylists, like Jordan Grossman and Rachel Wirkus, agree that skinny jeans are here to stay. They might not be the most popular fashion trend in this moment, but that does not mean that they were forgotten. And let’s face it: we are talking about a style that influenced the fashion scene for more than a decade. They were really flattering on women who fitted.

So, even if you think that the style is dead, you should not throw away your pair of skinny jeans. Just like good old vintage clothes, it may take several years until the trend revives. And you will most certainly look very cool wearing original vintage skinny jeans. For now, more body-conscious denim styles are a trend.


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