Forty million single people log on to online dating sites each and every month.
Chances are some of those people are jerks or lie about their appearance. We have all heard stories of gross misrepresentation. What the hell does a little extra padding mean anyway?
I went for coffee one time with a woman I met online. She described herself as beautiful and blonde with a “little extra padding” as a result of having a child.
Beauty is very subjective but the fact she thought of herself as beautiful was fine by me. After all, a person has to be very ugly for a coffee to become unbearable.
Blonde was OK by me as well, except she forgot to mention she bought it. Actually she wasn’t really blonde but more of a light shade of mud. A little extra padding is where it all came off the rails.
Had I gone to a movie with this lady, she would have struggled to squat her behind in the chair. Quite honestly this lady had more than a little extra padding. She was obese times three.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I’m perfect or in great shape. I am 5′ 9″ and I weigh one hundred and eighty pounds. According to BMI calculations, I am on the high side of “normal weight” or the low side of “obese.”
This lady was grossly overweight – not that there’s anything wrong with that. But the fact she lied about it, is what I found so offensive.
One of the sexiest women I have ever met was overweight. She could easily stand to loose thirty or forty pounds but she oozed sexuality. She was all class, well put together and the total package.
I have nothing against overweight people but I was expecting one thing and got something completely different. Because I felt as though she lied to me, I didn’t see blonde colored hair I saw mud color instead. I didn’t see beautiful, I saw ugly.
She seemed like a nice person but I felt she really pulled a fast one on me.
All of this could have been avoided if she had posted her picture. More importantly, I should have insisted on seeing her picture. I learned a very valuable lesson while having coffee that day. I now refuse to meet any woman unless I see her picture first. I’m not saying I’m all that but I think showing someone else your picture is a good start.
Across all online dating websites, it has been consistently shown that men and women who post their picture in their profile are far more likely to have contact from other members.
By seeing a picture first, you certainly can avoid disappointment later on.
online dating
A Little Extra Padding And Online Dating