7 Important Software Solutions A Fashion Design Company Should Use

When a new line or season is planned, manufacturers and designers in the fashion design industry have many parameters to consider. The elements that comprise the fashion design company expenses are many, and the product line planning stage can never be too meticulous.

Following is a list of a few modules and add-ons to CAD/CAM software solutions intended at keeping manufacturing on track, while saving on inputs such as raw materials and work hours (manpower):

  • Prototyping

    -PDS Pattern Design System and 3D Draping for getting the right fit the first time – faster.

    -Asset management – no more storing of paper patterns – instant retrieval for modification, amendments etc.

  • Merchandising
  • 1. 3D Draping utility for faster approvals of fit from buyers, communicate in 3D.

    2. 3D Designer – Carry your whole sampling room and the entire fabric swatch library for virtual presentations.

    3. Marker Making Software – Automatic marker making solution for fast consumption calculations for costing purposes. Allows you to Plan your fabric purchases effectively – Order just the right quantity needed, neither less nor more.

    4. Part patching Marker making – automatic marker making solutions for patterned, striped or check fabrics where part matching has to be done.

    5. Modulate – Create your patterns once and use them forever – Just change the measurements and all the related patterns change automatically.

  • Production
  • – Save fabrics during bulk cutting by making the tightest possible marker, with the least fabric wasted.

  • Converters
  • – They are available for converting native files from other CAD/ CAM systems to OptiTex(TM) format. OptiTex(TM) is a fully open CAD/ CAM solution, we can read files from almost all the major CAD/ CAM vendors and can work in a truly collaborative manner irrespective of which CAD system the vendor/ supplier is using.

    For further planning and production line efficiency, the following software solutions may be considered:

    3D Simulation – 3D Simulation offers the user a suite of tools that will simulate all pre-production activities including stitching, fitting, visualization, texture and color variation. This can also be used as a communication tool between retailer, subcontractor, designer, pattern maker, manufacturer, costing and marketing departments. It allows the visualization of any pattern modifications instantly in 3D, based on accurate CAD patterns and real fabric characteristics.

    Runway Designer – Whenever a manufacturer goes for a meeting with the buyer, it is customary to see them lugging around huge suitcases full of garment samples and fabric swatches. The same samples can now be easily carried around virtually with this user friendly and intuitive tool.

    Runway Designer has an inbuilt library where different sizes of mannequins and their associated garments and scanned fabrics and prints can be stored. Presentation of the virtual fashion collection is just a click away. Communicating and presenting design ideas was never simpler. All the characteristics of the fabric will be taken care of, while simulating the garment.

    In conclusion:

    Saving on manpower or materials and shortening the Time-To-Market can make all the difference between a profitable company and one which is not, and a company in the fashion design industry cannot afford planning or manufacturing mistakes.

    Using any or all of the above software solutions and modules can assist with production line efficiency and profitability in the fashion design industry.

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