Singles who turn to online dating are at risk. There are better methods to keep you safe without going on a blind date. Most profiles you look at are made up so when you go on a date you know nothing about this person, therefore it’s no more than a blind date.
Taking caution to protect yourself is a must to stay safe from predators on the prowl searching for vulnerable young women. Young singles are sloppy when it comes to safety and many have been raped or harmed in other ways. Pay attention to these 3 reasons why online dating is risky because it could save your life.
1-The dating site does not check out their members, so a criminal just out of prison or rapist could be your next date. They can make up any kind of profile they want convincing the female they are the date of their dreams. The site has no concern for your safety so you need to keep yourself safe at all costs.
2-Women fall prey to these criminals hoping for a relationship, but the criminal plays them for a fool stealing their heart by dining them, sending flowers and giving them gifts. The bad boy is looking for a woman to control, so when you’re on a date, don’t let him take command. Stand up for your rights and if he insists you leave, make an excuse to go and get away as fast as possible. There are women who were trapped in one of these dominating relationships making it hard to break away in fear of their life.
3-Con artists are turning to online dating and some single women have a nice personal financial portfolio. These women might be smart when it comes to business, but when it comes to a dating profile, they don’t have a clue on how to put one together. Online dating sites do not offer dating advice or help. The young successful women tell too much personal information in their profile making them an easy target for the con artist to sweep them off their feet wiping out their bank account.
Online dating can ruin your life so the best advice is to stay away from them. If you’re looking for the right one and want a safe pleasant experience, go to a speed dating event. They’re lots of fun and you’ll meet nice people who want a relationship too.
All singles go through a screening process and the company runs a background check. It helps keep away the bad people making your safety the number one priority. The events are held at classy hotels with dining, entertainment and drinks.
Singles have found their true love at a speed dating function. Don’t risk your life with online dating when you can go to a high-class event and possibly meet the person you’ve been looking for.
online dating
3 Reasons Why Online Dating Is Risky